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Gracie was my first Border Collie. She was a cute little split faced Border from Canada. She taught me so much and for the next 15 years she was my constant companion and best friend. She loved Agility and together we completed our MACH. Also she had a talent for the big screen and starred in over 100 commercials for various companies. One of the most famous was being the Spokes dog for Bell South Mobility for about 3 years. She starred in all their commercials and also traveled to do personal appearances. She even had her own Beanie baby and autograph stamp.
Anne Marie Silverton told me about a cute puppy born who looked just like Gracie. Thinking it would be great to have a double for Gracie I jumped on the chance to get this cute puppy. The breeder was also Linda Moradian and this little puppy became Ch BIS Brackenhills Starr of Bon-Clyde. She grew into a beautiful young lady and made history in the Border Collie world. Achieving her Championship was very easy and she got numerous Best of Breeds and Group wins. She won the Border Collie Nationals, won 2 All Breed Best in Shows and achieved Best of Opposite at the Westminster Dog show. She was the first American Breed female to ever win the Border Collie Nationals.

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I was so impressed with this line of Border Collies that I purchased, a male puppy, Starr's half brother from Linda about a year later. This great dog became Brackenhill's Toucho Bon-Clyde), call name of Rapp. Rapp also became an AKC Champion very quickly winning lots of BEST of Breeds and also won the Border Collie Nationals. He became the spokes dog for National Bank of Commerce and Central Carolina Bank and filmed over 20 commercials. Like Gracie he also had a stuffed animal made in his image and also gave pawographs. He was a wonderful dog and produced some very nice puppies.
Starr and Rap was the start of my line of Border Collies. Rap has a daughter Image who finished her Championship quickly with also group placements. Today she is working in Agility, Nosework and is a Crisis Control Dog.
Starr had two litters, which produced great dogs. Oscar was the one I raised and finished. He is a true doll and is now living in Va. doing Agility and also was just decorated by the Sec of Navy for his service as a HOPE dog.

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Starr's second litter produced 6 nice puppies. The little male I kept became Bon-Clyde's Action and he is really living up to his name. I finished his Championship at the age of 9 months. Action won his first Best of Breed as a puppy with me handling.
Realizing his potential I hired Greg Strong to show him as a special. Action and Greg became a wonderful team to watch winning 361 Best of Breeds, numerous Group wins, Three All breed Best In Show, and Three time winner of the Top Twenty at the Border Collie Nationals.

Action Group 3 Philadelphia on TV Nov 09

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Action Group 3 Philadelphia on TV Nov 09

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Action also won the Border Collie Nationals two times and won the Herding group at the prestigious National dog show in Philadelphia. Action also excelled at the Westminster dog Show and won Best of Breed twice and also won a huge win placing third in the Herding Group at the Garden. Action retired from the conformation ring on January 9, 2014 after achieving his Grand Championship Platinum award. This is the higher Grand Champion award given.
Since 2014 Action has been busy training for Agility, Obedience and a movie career. He has completed his RN title in Rally at the Eukanuba shows with all first places, and finished his first Agility title in Novice. He is very popular as a model for various companies and just filmed a commercial for Kidde Alarms. He is a very stable and well rounded Border who loves to be active and can do it all.

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action and Novice agility


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Joining my Border Collie family last year is a very cute little female named Script. Thanks to the support and help of Lauren Somers from Australia I was able to purchase this special little female to become Action's wife. She had a litter of 6 remarkable puppies.  Script and Action are now enjoying watching their pups grow up and hopefully follow in their father's footsteps. Script has started her training in Agility and will begin showing to complete her AKC Championship.
Kaos is Actions son from California. He finished his Championship very quickly and is now working in Agility and Herding. Like his Father he is involved in the film industry. Recently he filmed a commercial for Doritos for the Super Bowl. Kaos lives up to his name and is really a fun loving, sweet and happy dog.

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I have a young male who is an Action's Nephew. His name is Hamilton's Thunderball Bon-Clyde's Xtra Special Call name Xtra. Xtra has just started his career and already has a Best of Breed win from the classes. This young male has great potential. Bon-Clyde's Xtra finished his Championship in three weekends of shows with all Major wins and one Best of Breed. Not bad for a 2 year old!!! Xtra will begin training in agility and obedience and begin his career as a Special when he matures. Meanwhile he be shown at a few shows for experience. Thank you Don and Liz for finishing this youngseter.
My Border Collies share my home with a Norwich Terrier, Russell Terrier and a mixed breed. All are great family members.
My main purpose for Breeding is to provide myself with a puppy to carry on the line and show. I do not breed very often and have only breed three Border Collie litters. One of these breedings produced Action. He was recently bred to Script and I am excited about this generation of puppies. Occasionally I may have puppies available or older adults. All my dogs are family members first and show dogs second. Isn't that the way it is suppose to be !!!!!!!!!!!!




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